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First Name Arturo
Last Name Sanchez Luna
Country Mexico
He was born in Mexico city and is the second son of the Arturo Sánchez Portugal and Ma. Zoila Luna Calderón. He also has other 5 siblings from former marriages his parents had.

He was brought up in a world in which, he says, instead of going to church like the other children he had to practice meditation along with his family due to the interest in spirituality both of his parents had. According to him that’s why he developed a great ability to use his imagination from his very early years.

His father wanted him and his brothers to be good at whatever they decided to do for a living, and Arturo went for arts and psychology.

He took up arts as a hobby first. He was walking downtown in Puebla, Mexico when he saw an art-shop. He had been thinking about painting because of a psychology book written by Carl G. Jung in which he recommends that everybody practice arts as a way of reaching self-knowledge. He then entered that store and bought oils, paint brushes and canvas without having taken classes.

“I learned to see the world as something magic and surprising since I was very young” he says. “I had an up-bringing full of spirituality. In spite of the problems we had to deal with, as any other family I learned to love life and to see things from a different point of view. Of course it was difficult to experience those things like poverty, war, violence and the stupidity broadcasted by the media and marketing. But even that imperfection is part of the man’s evolution as an individual an as a civilization. One gets to love our imperfection just as one learns to love children’s innocence.

I’m still surprised by life and its elements. I like to be in touch with magic and fantasy, and painting makes an excellent bridge between reality and the fantasy from our unconscious, which doesn’t mean its unreal. It can be seen in our dreams because, deep in ourselves we are still children playing being-an-adult, but we play that game so good and for so long that we forget it’s just a game.

That’s precisely what I admire from the Mexican indigenous groups. They seem to keep the door to the unconscious open, far from being less civilized or less respectful towards life and death and the nature that nurtures us than people who live in big cities.

My paintings are the way I let others know a little bit about the way I see end experience that magic inherent to us.
He was born in Mexico city and is the second son of the Arturo Sánchez Portugal and Ma. Zoila Luna Calderón. He also has other 5 siblings from former marriages his parents ha...
Coatlicue watches her children
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A man of knowledge
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by Sanchez Luna
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