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First Name Asror
Last Name Muradov
Born 1961-01-01
Country Ukraine
Asror Muradov’s work – this is attempt to break the limits of the regular human perception of the human world by overcoming mental consciousness. The mental consciousness cannot enclose all range of human consciousness, like human sight cannot cover all colour tints, like human ear cannot hear all levels of sounds. Most tints and sounds are not open for human beings. The same happens with human consciousness. There are different conscious levels either below or above human level, and a man is not able to contact with the levels, thus considering them unreal.
While creating his works, the artist reaches the state close to meditation state, giving way to the intuitive subconscious splashes. He gives up the regular way of the outer world perception and reaches the state of mental silence. Thus he is far away from the stereotypes when depicting the world.
While solving creating tasks and trying to analyze his works, the artist comes to the conclusion that a man cannot exist separately from the outer world. Everything is interconnected and all kinds of energy are interweaved. It concerns both the levels of micro- and macrocosm. Except solid physical world there is a subtle world. The artist tries to depict the energy on the canvas – the energy that cannot be usually perceived. He believes that humans are directly connected with the Space and the Universe.
While creating and experiencing peculiar states the artist comes to the conclusion that there are primary informational elements both typical of (microcosm level) and of the outer world (macrocosm level). A lot of information comes and surrounds us all the time. But we cannot perceive it on the regular human level. It can only be perceived on the intuitive and subconscious levels.
The artist’s work present an attempt to depict the information that comes through him while creating the pictures in the state of irregular perception. Besides he solves technical, colour and compositional problems.
Some of the pictures cannot be perceived directly. Every single image is just a symbol: for example, a bird, a fish, a man. The artist intuitively creates new forms, but they are not occasional. These forms are full of sense comprised by the symbol. The symbols are depicted by the artist only on the level of subconsciousness. In such way it reaches a spectacular. The artist recommends, while looking at the picture, to give way to the feelings and subconsciousness, not to try to give concrete expression to the pictures. Only then can you enter another world – the world that is not a fantasy or imagination, it is real, but in regular state it is difficult to comprehend.
The artist invites you to this world. But he doesn’t insist on the only truth of that depicted by him. It is you who will choose whether to accept it or not …
Asror Muradov’s work – this is attempt to break the limits of the regular human perception of the human world by overcoming mental consciousness. The mental consciousness cannot en...
On the border of loneliness
by Muradov
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Turned to the star
by Muradov
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Unfinished journey
by Muradov
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