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First Name Dahlia
Last Name Harriman
Born 1972-10-16
Country United States
Self-expression is an act every person should indulge themselves in. Simply put, it is a life requirement.

As a child my passion was in the dance upon the stage. As an adult my passion is in the dance upon the canvas. Through painting, life's loves and pains, successes and disasters & hopes and dreams can be expressed. And it is with the use of acrylics, oils, glues and my trademark "shimmer" that I imprint my soul upon each canvas I work on.

I began painting many years ago as a way to remove myself from worldly chaos. It wasn't until some time later, when I was asked if I'd sell any of my pieces, that I realized that my work piqued the interest of others. Since then, I have enjoyed critical success among my peers.

My paintings all provide the viewer a unique experience---my paintings change with the lighting in the room. Whereas most paintings are to be kept from direct light, mine shine, shimmer and dance in the light. And as the day grows to a close, the subtle lighting from the setting sun (or even a glowing moon) will provide you with another beautiful view of my painting. I do hope you enjoy owning them as much as I have enjoyed creating them.
Self-expression is an act every person should indulge themselves in. Simply put, it is a life requirement.

As a child my passion was in the dance upon the stage. A...
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