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First Name DapoArt
Last Name Gallery
Country Albania

V.Gjikondi - one of our talented authors at WWW.DAPOART.COM

He is beyond a realist...

It's not possible to understand when dream begins and when reality ends...

The paintings begin as  destroyed images and then, out of nothing come and became sensefull.

We feel in his creations the presence of the world that should be in reality, its emotional wealth, the place where the elements of the existing reality have a bigger field of activity and rhythm reaches in a natural way to its maximum. This passage of the reality's limit needs no explanations, because it is placed against the real image with the quality of the future sigh of the resumption of new act-images unknown before.

In Gjikondi's works we see an inner movement of the means in a permanent way where the brain cells appear completely hasty in form, colour and figure, where the sensibility is directed towards the visible and invisible and vice versa. Its not possible to understand that where the dream begins and when reality end, but continuosly perpetuate passages from real objects to endless depths.


In the works of this author you find unusual images framed in landscape silhouettes, that we pass everyday the imagination occupies the greatest place and the magic way of realising them offers us an inexhaustible inspiration. It destroys and organises the frame simultaneously, alternating their corresponding values.We see in them a continuous tension, where the feeling and the form are fully in accord.

Its a magic world that enchants us with its beauties and fixes the reality and characters in the dream structure.



Was born in Tirana, in 1958.Groduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in 1982.From 1983 he worked as an Art Director in "Alba-film Studio" giving his artistic contribution particularly in featured films like

  • Pupils of my class - 1983
  • Love your name - 1984
  • Bitter Spring - 1985
  • Train starts at 7.05 - 1988

Personal Exhibitions

1981 - Academy of Fine arts, Tirana

1981- Academy of Fine arts, Prishtina, Kosovo

1984-Biennale, Alexandry, Egypt

1983- 1993 National Gallery, Tirana

1985- Culture Palace, Tirana

1985- Culture Palace, Durres

1991- National Gallery, Tirana

1998- Albanian Embassy, Paris

1994- Chiostro della Basilica di S.Maria di Collemaggio - L'Aquila

1994- Pinacoteca dell'Amministrazione Provinciale, Bari

1995 Exhibition in Ljubljana, Croatia.


Seven paintings are bought from the National Gallery today.

Ten paintings have been bought by World Bank.

V.Gjikondi - one of our talented authors at WWW.DAPOART.COM

He is beyond a realist...


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