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First Name Don Valery
Last Name Grig de Kalaveras
Born 1953-07-04
Country Estonia
Don Valeri Grig de Kalaveras
Dobrynin Valeri Grigorievich

Was born on 4 July 1953 in the Crimea, Bahchisarai city, the Ukraine, in the family of a well-known artist Dobrynin Grigori Petrovich.

In 1955 together with my parents I left for Zaporogje, the Ukraine, as a permanent residence.

Since 1961 till 1971 studied in secondary school and simultaneously in the School of Art for gifted children.

Since 1972 till 1975 served in the Navy in Tallinn, Estonia.

Since 1976 till 1979 studied in Kiev Art Institute, the Easel and Monumental Painting Department headed by professor- academic T.N.Yablonskaja. Having finished 3 grades, in 1979 took an academic leave.

In the same 1979 was affiliated to the USSR Artist Union, because since 1977 had taken part in professional exhibitions organized by the USSR Artist Union.

Since 1979 till 1982 worked at the Zaporogje artistic production plant of the USSR Artistic Union Fund as a monumental artist (the highest painters` qualification in the former Soviet Union).

Since 1982 till 1988 because of the difference of opinion with the USSR policy was reluctant to work as a street cleaner, a taxi driver and a docker.

In 1988 worked as an art expert and a managing director at Work of Art and Antique Department “B & E” firm in Tallinn, Estonia.

In 1989 received a proposal and left to work in New York, the USA, where I collaborated with Edward Nahamkin gallery till the middle of 1990. In the second half of 1990 returned home - the Ukraine, Zaporogje city and where worked as a private entrepreneur. Set up a firm called “Artex” and worked as a general director. The corporate objective was selling antiques, fine decorative and applied art. In the beginning of 1994 came for 3 days to Tallinn, Estonia, and due to the health worsening got to reanimation and had a heavy operation. After that it was impossible to go on entrepreneur activity. Since that time, i.e. the beginning of 1994 and to present day have lived in Tallinn, Estonia, and worked as a professional artist.


Regional Art Museum, Zaporogje, the Ukraine.
Moscow City Administration, Russia.
Russian Embassy, Tallinn, Estonia.
International Art Centre of Aomori, Japan.
“In- Situ” Firm, Paris, France.
Maardu City Administration, Estonia.
Professional Boxing Club after Karl Leman, Tallinn, Estonia.
“Alvigo” Firm, Tallinn. Estonia.
Oleg Tereping - a collector, Tallinn, Estonia.
Douglas Jewell - a collector, London,UK.

More information in my web:
Personal Manager : Jana Viitanen e- mail :
Don Valeri Grig de Kalaveras
Dobrynin Valeri Grigorievich

Was born on 4 July 1953 in the Crimea, Bahchisarai city, the Ukraine, in the family of a well-k...
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