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First Name Dorran
Last Name Russell
Born 1957-09-28
Country United States
Service Interior Custom Artwork
The truth in art lies in its ability to let you finally see that which you before could only dream about.

In the United States, the family of Dorran Ruben Russell dates back nine generations to the early sixteen hundreds. Mr. Russell's father served in the American military thus allowing a young Dorran to see countries and cultures from an unprejudiced position.

Growing to appreciate form and accents, habits and histories of others in the world have continued to expand the usefulness of this artist and the influence of his paintings.

In time, he would serve this country himself enlisting at the close of the Vietnam era. And while respecting those who fought, such as his father, he remains thankful never to have seen a shot fired in anger.

Mr. Russell was able to attend universities and colleges while serving and became a full time student after being honorably discharged.

Graduating with honors from the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale, more schools & study would lay ahead. It was at this time, in 1982, that his first serious paintings would begin to be sold to collectors.

As the studies deepened, the paintings gave more to the viewer and in turn became more in demand. Over the next decade, the fever of new ideas and client expectations would drive into existence over 400 paintings each titled, dated & cataloged.

Art critics would print “Mr. Russell is the one to watch!” And watch they did! Winning the highest awards, each painting seems to deliver more & be somehow more dynamic than last.

These last years have seen the Russell paintings reach the level of masterpieces and are being collected around the world.

When Mr. Russell is interviewed, the question of his philosophy on art is inevitable and the response just the same.

“Art is immortal. To paint it is immortal. To own it is immortal. We're just here to make it exist”

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The truth in art lies in its ability to let you finally see that which you before could only dream about.

In the United States, the family of Dorran Ruben Russell date...
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