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First Name Gregory
Last Name Gamaley
Born 1979-03-06
Country Ukraine
Gregory Gamaley was born in Tver, Russia on March 6, 1979. He was keen on drawing from young age. Starting from the 6th form of secondary school he was studying at Kharkiv art school, where he became acquainted with painting, drawing and sculpture basics. In 1994 he successfully graduated the school. Especially he was keen on still life, that has attracted with colouring.
The same year he had successfully passed exams to Art College in Kharkiv. Great role in the life on young painter was played by Mr. Chursin, professor and painter. They were painting a lot together in pictoresques places in Clobozhanschina. In 1999 he is successfully presenting his diploma work "Pokrovsky Cathedral in the evening" and obtaining diploma with award. At the same year "Autumn. Old Kharkiv" was presented at the Christmas exhibition in Kharkiv House of Painters. The picture was marked by journalists in "Vecherny Kharkiv" newspaper.
From 1999 till 2005 Gregory studied at architecture cathedra of Kharkiv National Academy of Minicipal Economy (KNAME). During this period of study a lot of city landscapes and drawings had been made.

Gregory Gamaley is a participant of regional, national and international exhibitions. His works are displayed at the Ukrainian Impressionism Art Shows which had place abroad. Gregory Gamaley’s artworks are in private collections in Ukraine, Russia, USA and Germany. In year 2001 he organized personal exhibition in the museum of KNAME. Gregory is member of Ukraine Artists Union (youth organization). At present moment he is teaching at KNAME. The painter is often works on plain air in various places of Ukraine: Crimea, Kherson region where he is always finding motives for his pictures - it is sea, mountains, yachts. The other passion is to draw still lifes with flowers and fruits.

Solo exhibitions:
2001, November - Kharkiv National Academy of Municipal Economy, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
2000, October - Kharkiv State scienctific library, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Selected mixed exhibition:
2009, August - House of Artists, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
2009, February - "Maestro" Gallery, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
2008, October - House of Artists, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
2008, September – Resto-club UKRAINA, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
2006, December - AVEC, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
2006, October - House of Artists, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
2006, February - "Maestro" Gallery, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
2004, July - "Maestro" Gallery, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
2002, December - Kharkiv Academy of Design and Art, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
2001, December - House of Artists, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
2001, December - Kharkiv Academy of Design and Art, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
2000, December - House of Artists, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
1999, December - House of Artists, Kharkiv, Ukraine.
2009, August - Сorporation "Consulting group "Rubanenko and partners", Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Future art shows:
2009, September - Kharkov Art Museum, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

To contact me email me at
Gregory Gamaley was born in Tver, Russia on March 6, 1979. He was keen on drawing from young age. Starting from the 6th form of secondary school he was studying at Kharkiv art scho...
by Gamaley
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