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First Name Jaime Jo
Last Name Conway
Born 1978-01-11
Country United States
'm a 31 year old mom and wife. I'm a naturally creative person. I am a teacher and I use my creative side to teach at school and raise my children at home. I have enjoyed several forms of art throughout my life. As a child I loved art class. Unfortunately we only had art once a week for 30 minutes, which wasn't nearly enough for me. There was a time when an artist came in and taught a lesson. We had an hour to explore our talents based on his lesson. I came up with a beautiful chalk drawing. I was amazed along with our guest artist, my teacher and eventually my parents. The artist told my parents at our gallery show that I would be a famous artist someday. I went to school to be an elementary teacher and my favorite class was called "teaching art in the classroom". Needless to say I integrate art into many lessons as often as possible. My life is my canvas and I can create art anywhere. I have a daughter who is 9 and a son who is 13. My son is more into legos and model cars, but my daughter has a collection of art supplies set up in our studio. We usually paint together and I teach her as I go. The most important thing I teach her though is to paint from her heart and not to worry about anything else. I have also had a lot of tragedy in my life so much of my inspiration comes from that, which has helped me overcome many struggles. I have learned to open up my heart, accept what life has given me, and embrace it through art and in turn share it with you.

Every day I wake up wondering..."what am I going to see today?" I know everything I need to do, but I make sure to have my camera close by just in case there is something to capture. Along with my camera, I carry a notebook to write down my ideas so they don't disappear. The second I leave my camera behind, the most amazing moment sits before my eyes. I am forced to capture that in my memories. That is often where I get ideas for painting. I love to photograph, draw, paint, and am just getting into metal sculpting. I don't have an art degree and I haven't studied with the best of the best. I learn as I go and have had 31 years of practice. I have always had a natural talent and use it everyday. That is the most unique quality about me.
'm a 31 year old mom and wife. I'm a naturally creative person. I am a teacher and I use my creative side to teach at school and raise my children at home. I have enjoyed severa...
Willow Moon
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Footprints From Heaven
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