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First Name Kathe
Last Name Hall
Born 1973-01-16
Country Canada
I am told that I am a Jack of all Arts, and so it would seem.I love to experiment with varous mediums such as clay, jewelry making, photography, digital photography, found objects, recycled art, abstract, collage, and more. However, I return, again and again, to the fine art of watercolour. I began my artists' career at a very young age. My mother is also an artist in her own rite. She would draw/paint with my hand in hers as she guided the pencil/brush over the paper or canvas. I remember the feel of the paint tubes and the smell of the cleaning solvents the most. The texture of conte and pastels as I smeared my little hands over freshly drawn lines.
Art is about exploration and the discovery of the self for me. Time becomes unimportant with a brush in hand. All worries and concerns become a minor backdrop to the feel of creativity at hand.
I was born in the small Canadian town of Belleville, Ontario. My family moved often, spending a year or two in various small town communities throughout Ontario. As a result I had little opprtunity to make fast friends with anyone. I bacame a very shy and introspective young lady. I wasn't without an outlet. I began turning more inward, discovering myself and the artist within. I always knew that no matter where I was, or what was happening in my life, I always had my art to see me through. After 20+ years battling with Anorexia I am finally able to begin sharing my art with the world. Now I know that it won't appeal to everyone in the world....but for the sellect few who just might get it, or see something they can identify with......I will have completed my mission of being able to share a part of me that keeps me going. I am about to celebrate my 34th year of life and feel the need to show what makes me tick 'so to speak'.
I have done several small shows in the near past, all of which were hosted by dear friends. They provided for me a safe and loving environment in which to display my works.
There are plans for the future to display in recognized galleries in the area in which I live. I will be sure to keep all those interested in these displays posted.
My art is an expression of life, the light with the dark, the good and the bad in all. The intent is to invoke/evoke emotion....all emotions, or none. I hope that people see what they want to see in my art. I don't want to influence the viewer to see through my eyes......that is an impossibility at this point in time.....until I invent my secret machine that enables one to see a snapshot of the images running through anothers' head....well you get the idea. I would hope that all view the art being posted with no preconceived notions of what it is to be an artist. I personally used my art as a vehicle to pull me out of a serious dis-ease.
If I can help but one other person to find their own sense of self, and of self-worth.......well it would be a blessing.
Thank you for your time.
Kathe Hall - Paint Me Red Studio
Dorchester, Ontario, Canada
I am told that I am a Jack of all Arts, and so it would seem.I love to experiment with varous mediums such as clay, jewelry making, photography, digital photography, found objects,...
Belly Dance 1
by Hall
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