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First Name Lana
Last Name Cickovic
Born 1980-04-05
Country United States
My name is Lana Cickovic. I was born in Yugoslavia on April 5th 1980 in a town of Tuzla, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. I was always interested in Art, even during the time when I was a baby girl about 3 or 4 years old. Then I started creating my imagination by drawing and I never stopped duing that. I was interested in oil painting when I was a child. I experienced the war crisis as a teenager in Ex Yugoslavia, and that made me decide to come to United States of America, and make my career as an Artist. I attended The High School of the Arts, major visual, where I had two small student exhibitions. When I graduated in 1999, I entered the Academy of Art University where I got my Associate Degree in Fine Art (Painting/Drawing). I plan to continue on studing painting.

My painting skills I got from my dear uncle who past away not long ago. He gave me strength, courage and motivation to continue on to be an exellent Artist. I had displayed my artwork in Art People gallery. During my High School Years, my professors of painting were Miss Pannone and Mrs. O'Reiley. From them I leraned about different stiles of painting such as Cubisam, Impressionisam, Expressionisam, Realism, and Romantisisam. On my Academy I took courses such as Still life Painting, Still life Drawing, Sculpture, Figure Painting and Drawing, Landscape painting, and Composition and Painting. I'm an artist who has intrest in all the types of painting and who from that point of view has an idea to create from my own imagination Expression of painting and then have the real picture which I look for from the world of Art.

My ambition is Art which shows creativity in the best direction of my effort and my work which is explored in the world of Realism, Expressionisam and my own imagination which is immortal. My world of my expression is created in the way that is originated from my own creation and which shows me to search what is the meaning of Art and which has the big concept and the meaning in a spiritual way of creator as an Artist could be. An Artist creates in detail the world of Art and painting, and creates the present time in which we do exist now, or today, or the next day or in a future way of the present World.....
My name is Lana Cickovic. I was born in Yugoslavia on April 5th 1980 in a town of Tuzla, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. I was always interested in Art, even during the time w...
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