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First Name Lindy
Last Name Bradley
Born 1958-02-18
Country United States
I was born February 1958 in a small town on the Coast of Mendocino County that's called Fort Bragg. Their biggest Industry was Logging and Fishing. These Industries have all but disappeared.

I attended all the Local Schools and always had a love for Art. In fact my teachers use to tell me not do my Art but do the Homework! Growing up here was quite an experience. There were seven of use and there was never a dull moment. I had gotten out of doing my Art work, (drawing) for awhile until I reached High School, there I became better but was mostly interested in Abstract. I was always doing things the Abstract way mostly because I was very interested in Unique and Different ways of expressing myself.

Graduating School in 1976 I got away from my Art work again until 2004 when I became ill. I deal with a lot of illnesses but the biggest is Memory loss. I find that I can not remember how to draw things like Ocean Scenes or Trees etc.

I noticed it became very bad when I was going to draw a copy of a mural in my Bathtroom. But by the time I went from the bathroom to my computer I had forgotten what it looked like. Discouraged but not giving up I decided to turn to taking Digital Photo's.

We have so many beautiful places here on the Coast. I also began taking Digital photo's of Nature such as Flowers and Landscapes. Using my various Programs on my Computer I turned my photo's, (mostly Flowers and Landscapes) into what I call Abstract Delights.

I hope you enjoy what you see for Abstract Art is so very Unique and Beautiful . You can take your Abstract Art as far as you Iminigation will go. I'm not a Professional (yet) but just a normal person that has a love for Abstract Art. For me I feel one door has closed but another has opened. I never attended any fancy Schools or Colleges nor did I work with any Professional Artists.

Thank you for visiting my site. Take care and have a great day! Remember every day to stop and smell the Roses because the next time you walk by they may not be there. Just like us. Live for every day and enjoy the things you love to do and continue to love everyone because every living being only wants happiness. Love is better than Hate. It takes no effert at all to hate but kindness takes an effort that will give you so much peace it's better to be kind than angry. In closing our health is so very important but we don't appreciate life and our health until it's too late. For me I am doing what I love to do before I can no longer do it. Without a Memory it's not too easy to remember what you have and what you love. Don't live for your job take the time to enjoy Life!
I was born February 1958 in a small town on the Coast of Mendocino County that's called Fort Bragg. Their biggest Industry was Logging and Fishing. These Industries have all but d...
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