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First Name Manikant
Last Name Kujur
Born 1981-12-04
Country India
I work as a Graphic Designer (Artist). By combining both photography and digital artwork I create valuable artwork which are unique and creative.

I have a hobby of experimenting photography with digital artwork which gives me full freedom to experiment and create the best artwork.

One of my best artwork is of historical importance and I have created the unique artwork using digital art and photography to represent the artistic sculpture of "64 Yogini Temple" in a unique style which represents the historical beauty of creativity of sculptures which is more than 1000 years old and the "64 Yogini Temple" is more than 1000 years old and is situated in Bheraghat which is famous for its marble valley near Jabalpur city.

Some of my artwork represents the creativity of 1000 years old famous Khajuraho Temples in a new style of art and depicts the historical beauty of sculptures and artwork which is more than 1000 years old.

Apart from passion of making alive those thousands of years old creativity in my own unique style. I do art photography and usually mix digit art with photography to create unique artwork.
I work as a Graphic Designer (Artist). By combining both photography and digital artwork I create valuable artwork which are unique and creative.

I have a hobby of exp...
The Yogi Lady
by Kujur
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