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First Name Necmettin
Last Name Özlü
Born 1950-05-31
Country Turkey
He was born in 1950, in Trabzon, Turkey. After graduating from Karadeniz Technical University, he pursued an academic career and obtained a Ph.D. from Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris, France. For a period of ten years, he taught in Ege University (Ýzmir, Turkey) and H.Boumedienne university in Algeria as an assistant and associate professor. He had become interested in painting in the 1970’s, during his university years in Paris. In 1987, he left his academic career and devoted all of his time to painting. In the meantime, he had opened his first solo exhibition in 1985, in Algiers.

Özlü is a self-educated painter and has lived and worked in several countries. Besides his 28 solo exhibitions taking place in Algiers, Ankara, Brussels, Ýstanbul, Ýzmir and Paris, he has also participated in many international artistic events. His works are in public and private collections around Europe and in Turkey. Özlü is a member of UNESCO’s Plastic Artists Committee in Turkey

Expos Solo (Listing)
2003 Hang Art Gallery, Paris
2001 Selvin Art Gallery, Ankara
2000 Artisan Art Gallery, Ýstanbul
1999 Zinzen Art Gallery, Brussels
1999 Artium Art Gallery, Ankara
1997 Kare Art Gallery, Ýstanbul
1997 Ýþ-Sanat Gallery, Ankara
1996 Zinzen Art Gallery, Brussels
1995 Milli Reasürans Art Gallery, Ýstanbul
1995 Vakko Art Gallery, Ýstanbul
1995 Zinzen Art Gallery, Brussels
1994 Siyah-Beyaz Art Gallery, Ankara
1994 Minyatür Art Gallery, Ýstanbul
1994 Vakko Art Gallery, Ýzmir
1993 Zinzen Art Gallery, Brussels
1993 Mi-Ge Art Gallery, Ankara
1992 Garanti Art Gallery, Ýstanbul
1991 Zinzen Art Gallery, Brussels
1991 Espace Libre Art Gallery, Brussels
1990 Yonca Modern Art Gallery, Ýstanbul
1990 Siyah-Beyaz Art Gallery, Ankara
1989 Siyah-Beyaz Art Gallery, Ankara
1988 French Cultural Center, Algiers
1987 Haminoumna Art Gallery, Algiers
1986 Italian Cultural Center. Algiers
1985 French Cultural Center, Algiers

Expos Collective (Listing)
2003 Hang Art Gallery,12 Artists..,Paris
2003 Kare Art Gallery;Altan,Arslan,Anlaðan,Genç,Ýþler,Özlü,Uluç Karma,Ýstanbul
2000 UPSD-UNESCO Exhibition, Ankara
1998 Exhibition of French,greec and turkish artists,Saint-Loubes,France
1998 Zinzen Art Gallery;Vigliatuoro,Brachet,Hubene.Özlü,Brussels
1998 Turkse Kunstenaars,octobre 4-18,Brussels
1998 Artisan Art Gallery ,Dessins of Ten Turkish Artistes,Ýstanbul
1997 Zinzen Art Gallery ,The Artists of Gallery, Brussels
1997 LINEART, International Fair of Modern Art .Gent,Belgium
1997 LINEART, International Fair of Modern Art,Gent,Belgium
1996 Zinzen Art Gallery;Andi,Demirdjian,Huben,Özlü,10 Years of the Gallery,Brussels
1996 Exhibition of CLASSIX collection,Ýstanbul
1995 LINEART, international Fair of Modern Art ,Gent,Belgium
1994 Exhibition of Nazým Hikmet Fondation ,Ankara
1993 3th Fair of Contamporary Art ,Ýstanbul
1990 Oeil Art Gallery,Artists of Gallery Exhibition,Brussels
1989 5th Year of the Ffondation of Siyah-Beyaz Art Gallery,Ankara
1987 First International Biannale of Algiers
1986 4th Watercolor and Graphic Arts Exhibition of Algiers

… Özlü is a painter of color. The colors create a vibrating and countercurrent like deepness, adding continuous movement to the forms that make up the paintings. The space, being both concentrated and mobile, while acquiring rhythm, also contains and spreads a powerful energy. It would not be wrong to define these paintings as a kind of “seismography that makes you dream.”


… Özlü is a generous and sumptuous lyric abstract painter who draws his inspiration from cloud play and the delicate swiftness of a magical prose. Clouds in silent tones, golden inscriptions on a background recalling moonlight; even the smallest part of the fabric is open for escape. The palette is elegant, the soft lines transforming into images without being figurative. Every frame is a tale worthy for Sheherazade, the magician.


… Figures, in the form of silhouettes, appear involuntarily among surfaces of color determining the layers of the object. To which time and to where do these figures belong? They are melancholic human beings of the indeterminate and chaotic face of life. Figures belonging to unknown times are guiding the meanings of the artist’s paintings, which shape the abstract diagonal forms with movements of color.


… We notice a very calm attitude where every detail is meticulously calculated and relationships are analyzed within the overall structure. Özlü is like an Oriental dervish who likes to produce meanings from the objects he sees and the details of those objects; he reduces what he sees to forms and colors, presenting them to the viewer by interpreting them from the perspective of form and color. It is not the material side of the object that he sees.


… A general impression, revealing the true Turkish character radiates from the exhibition. Özlü’s painting is, like Nazým Hikmet has used to describe his wife, “soft as silk, strong as silk.” Smoothness, grace and generosity join with discretion and vigor in his works. Impression, feeling, anxiety and first impulses are balanced with intelligence and culture, adding harmony and quality to Özlü’s painting.

He was born in 1950, in Trabzon, Turkey. After graduating from Karadeniz Technical University, he pursued an academic career and obtained a Ph.D. from Pierre and Marie Curie Univer...
"Sans Titre"
by Özlü
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Human Being
by Özlü
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