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First Name Ann Morse
Last Name Irwin
Born 1978-01-15
Country United States
My top priorities in life are to follow my heart and honor what I love. Each and every picture that you see in my gallery comes from my heart.

When I sit down at my computer to create a piece, I check in with myself to see how I feel. If I am anxious, disturbed or agitated I will try to calm myself down with some meditation or a cup of tea. If this doesn't work - neither do I. I believe strongly that my work comes from the inner stillness. I have my art hanging in my house but it is as if someone else created it. I feel more like a medium than an artist.

I have been greatly influenced by the zen-like perspective that everyday reality, that is, what happens here and now, is joyous, liberating, beautiful and miraculous. I believe that the things we don't notice, because we have seen them so many times, hold a beauty that is lost too often. So I take pictures of cars, appliances, my friends, my house, the road, flowers, toys, basically anything I come across in my daily activities that speaks to me. I call this my "Everday Journey". I have found that there is profound joy and beauty in the things we take for granted. This is the underlying message and mission of my work. To express my love and appreciation of the mundane.

A friend of mine always says, "What comes from the heart, speaks to the heart." So I hope your heart will hear my art. I wish you all the joy and love that is your true nature.

My top priorities in life are to follow my heart and honor what I love. Each and every picture that you see in my gallery comes from my heart.

When I sit down at my c...
by Irwin
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