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First Name Gary
Last Name Smith
Born 1946-01-14
Country United States
Gary is originally from the green state of Michigan and has studied and created works for over 50 years. He believes that art, like life, only gets better with age and that you have reached the so-called artist stage only when you find it is easy to get lost in your work and time has lost its meaning.
To perfect his style and techniques he has studied under Dutch and American accomplished artists of the Netherland Antilles as well as Saint Augustine and Jacksonville, Florida. Additionally, Gary has traveled to the galleries all over America and such places as France, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Italy, Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile to attempt to get into the minds of the impressionists and abstract artists of yesterday and today to perfect his impressionistic abstract art.
Many years ago Gary became a successful artist using watercolor medium on paper and loved it because of its ability to blend and remain translucent. He has won several awards for works in watercolor over the years and still has a profound love of the liquid. It wasn’t until he met an old retired artist using acrylic that he himself decided to feature a new artistic boldness in a departure from the safety of watercolor. Today his acrylic on canvas art is exhibited in galleries of North Carolina and Florida.
Gary works out of a studio at 4200’ in the mountains of North Carolina for five months a year. Then he travels on to Florida where he uses his sea level studio on Drs. Lake, in Orange Park for the remainder of the year.
Gary is originally from the green state of Michigan and has studied and created works for over 50 years. He believes that art, like life, only gets better with age and that you hav...
Ebb and Flow
by Smith
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