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First Name Karen
Last Name Thoreson
Born 1957-07-16
Country United States
I am a full-time Mosaic Artist. I feel fortunate to be able to own and operate my own business at my studio in my home. I love the work I do. I can't begin to tell you the amount of time I have spent studying the art of mosaic creation, various types of application, and the history of mosaic art.

The items I create and sell are true works of art. They are not in any way similar to the mass reproduced mosaic items you may have seen in home decor, garden or department stores which are created in factories in the U.S. or in foreign countries. It takes countless hours to design and produce the items I sell, from searching antique and thrift stores for mixed media items to include in making a new piece, to the actual time spent designing, cutting or nipping and shaping each piece before it is attached to the item itself. I make the surface of all my plant stands in either concrete backer-board or concrete “Hardi-backer” board and give the facing edge a beautiful finished look prior to adhering tile to the surface. I custom tint the grouts I use to the exact tone which will enhance the beauty of each piece. I do not use water exclusively to mix my custom grouts. Instead, I include special acrylic additives which improves the strength to the grout to a greater degree than using water alone.

I am an active member of the Petamula Art Association where I live. I was recently chosen to be a Petaluma Boys & Girls Club, “2005 Cruisin’ The Boulevard” Artist for their summer long art expo. In this venture, I will mosaic a 4 ½’ x 40” x 26” fiberglass car which is a replica of a 1956 Chevy Coupe. As many as 35 of these art cars will be displayed all over Petaluma this summer before being auctioned off in September at a Gala Auction/Rock-n-roll Sock Hop event to benefit Boys and Girls Clubs of Petaluma.

My dream is to someday open my studio to the public to share my knowledge and experience with others in teaching them the fine art of creating fun and whimsical mosaics like those you see here in my gallery.

If by chance you happen to see an item here which appeals to you but is listed as “sold” or “sale pending”, I encourage you to please contact me to inquire about a possible duplicate. At times I will be able to reproduce the exact piece or create a similar one that you may like even more. Commissions are always welcomed.

Thank you for taking the time to read about my passion in mosaic art.

Karen Thoreson
I am a full-time Mosaic Artist. I feel fortunate to be able to own and operate my own business at my studio in my home. I love the work I do. I can't begin to tell you the amount o...
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