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First Name Guillermo
Last Name Gibbon
Born 1957-10-27
Country Argentina
He was born in Sarmiento, a small locality of the Patagonia Argentina... a valley on the foot of low mountains, surrounded by two lakes united by a blue and mighty river. At the moment it resides in Cordoba. Lawyer in Administration of Companies, always took the art within his veins, in all his manifestations, treating to transfer artistic to the world of the numbers and the finances... swimming in the painting, the drawing and the graphical design, and applying them to the necessities that arose, was generating an eclectic work, combining the requirements of the works with the beauty that grants the art... with excellent results. Self-taught person in its formation... Da Vinci, Van Gogh, DalĂ­, Magritte, Escher, Whitehead, Dean, Corben, Manara and Berni (among others) were their teachers and their guides of his thematic line... Overcoming flight with - and under the influence of the classic music of aims of century XX (Beatles, Pink Floyd, Yes, Genesis, EL&P, King Crimson, Camel...), their works shape the multidimensional experiences on a virgin linen cloth, that along and to the wide thing of their limit, expresses what feels within the frame that the pictorial creativity allows him, catapulting its experiences and their illusions. In 2005, after many experiences lived in his countable profession during almost 30 years, he decided to dedicate himself entirely to which truely it feels from the soul: the painting... releasing his dreams and presenting the world the translation such in figures, colors and meaning. To change the numbers by the painting is a challenge... is to begin of zero... is the adventure to shape images kept during a life, to live reflected again them in outlines to share with the spectator... "We are in the dawn of a new era, living in a beautiful and contradictory world... and within this world, to have the pride of being part of a movement that grows day to day... towards a new dawn..." The greater prize is to obtain the benefit of those who have his works, and to have established that relation that will maintain them connected for always: artist - his works - people.
He was born in Sarmiento, a small locality of the Patagonia Argentina... a valley on the foot of low mountains, surrounded by two lakes united by a blue and mighty river. At the mo...
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