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First Name Runa
Last Name Petringenaru
Born 1970-05-02
Country United States
"The map of eastern Europe has radically changed in the last several decades. But the "people's art" from Transylania now Romania remains exciting and vibrant. Runa Petringenaru, a recently discovered Transylvanian folk painter living in the United States, embodies all the excitement and energy of her native heritage." (
"It is said that it is always the peasants who pass on anything with value, whether it is art, music or poetry. Though highly evolved and with a keen intellectual insight, in her easy smile the child lives on, the child that dreams and wonders. This child seems rather to indulge in the rich culture of Rumania's folklores, and she seems able to turn everything around her into a fairytale. In a sense she is, with her art, contributing to her new country the US in a classic immigrant's way: By bringing ancient stories of the old world into the new, she helps to both keep the history alive of one, and the new world to grow richer from her art." (luc Leestemaker, Dutch painter)
"Runa Petringenaru has filtered an age-old form of Romanian peasant art through her own sensibility and vision. The results are stunning. She truly does naive art, like the peasants-painters from other times!" (Georgiana Galateanu, Lecturer Romanian Studies, University of California, Los Angeles)
"Runa Petringenaru's work not only reflects the immediate culture of her native Romania, but the ancestral roots of Romania
itself-the ancient Romans. In her work one sees a thread to the people who painted figures, angels, animals, and pastoral scenes on the walls of the catacombs." (Woody Gwyn, American painter)
"The map of eastern Europe has radically changed in the last several decades. But the "people's art" from Transylania now Romania remains exciting and vibrant. Runa Petringenaru, a...
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