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First Name Jose A.
Last Name Soto
Born 1949-07-04
Country Mexico
Jose A. Soto was born in Mexico City in the year 1949. Starts his education in schools devoted to Holy Mary where he gets in touch with the art world for the very first time.

Sorprised by the beauty and the spiritual movement of this language he gets more involved in it, in such a way that he started other common activities in different times and ages. Inspired by his parents to finished his academic studies, he earns two professional titles, but that didn’t take him away from his personal activities: his willing to get deeper and deeper in the knowledge and perfection of the plastic arts. At the end, those professional titles gave him the opportunity and necessary time to create a constant production of pieces in a specific field, the charcoal or carbon-pencil drawing. This preference to charcoal was due to an incidental destiny when he got in his hands drawings from Saturnino Herran (known representer of mexican plastic) as an heritage of her grand mother, Dolores Soto Madiaraga. Both of them were Jose Maria Velasco's disciples at the same time and she became his most recognized follower or scholar because of her paintings quality and the preference he gave her in the San Carlos academy (Saturnino Herran and Jose Maria Velasco pieces of art are now considered national artistic and historic monuments). Those drawings were the ones that seduce Jose A. Soto soul and it hasn’t stopped taking effect. In the beginnings of the 70s he married Guadalupe, woman with a lot of sensibility and art knowledge, who supports and encourages him to project himself in a more serious and professional way to rescue the value, plasticity and beauty that offers this charcoal style, and take it this way to its maximum expression.

Within time and penetrating in the professional field of art and, because of its similarity in the technical management he crosses to the world of painting with the pastel technique with the very end to achieve the level accomplished with charcoal.

He has done expositions since 1975 for different galleries, culture houses and museums in several cities within Mexico and his work has reached beyond in other countries.

He has done different studies in the subject of plastic arts in a self-taught way, with private masters and has attended several free workshop courses but, more than that, for José A. Soto the best ways to learn to draw and paint are WATCH AND FEEL THE LIFE THAT SURROUNDS US, AND THE MUSEUMS WHERE SOMEONE CAN ANALIZE AND STUDY THE TECHNIQUES IN PIECES OF THE GREATESTS OR PREFERED MASTERS OF THE ART, only with this he claims that is enough to keep a constant learning until the end of his existence.
Jose A. Soto was born in Mexico City in the year 1949. Starts his education in schools devoted to Holy Mary where he gets in touch with the art world for the very first time.
Falstaff de Giuseppe Verdi
by Soto
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