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First Name tatar
Last Name augustin
Country Romania

Biografie Tatar Augustin

First name(s) / Surname(s) Tătar Augustin 
Nationality Romanian 
Date of birth 07/02/1980
Gender Male 

Work experience

Dates 2008 - 2009 
Occupation or position held Teaching professional
Main activities and responsibilities Teaching Social Sciences
Name and address of employer "Octavian Goga" Highschool
Huedin (Romania)
Type of business or sector Education

Dates 2007 - 2008 
Occupation or position held Teaching professional
Main activities and responsibilities Teaching Modern Languages
Name and address of employer Primary School
Mănăstireni (Romania)
Type of business or sector Education

Education and training

Dates 2007 - 2009 
Title of qualification awarded Professional Reconversion Diploma - English Language and Literature
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered General:
English Language and Literature
- Using English Language in conversations;
- Thoroughgoing study about English Grammar and Literature
Name and type of organisation providing education and training "Babeş Bolyai" University- Faculty of Letters (Postuniversitary study)
Cluj - Napoca (Romania)

Dates 2003 - 2005 
Title of qualification awarded Master Diploma - Culture and Communication
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered General:
- Formal and Unformal Communication;
- Contemporan Philosophy;
- Thoroughgoing study about formal and unformal communication systems
Name and type of organisation providing education and training "Babeş Bolyai" University - Facultaty of History and Philosophy (Master Study)
Cluj - Napoca (Romania)

Dates 1999 - 2003 
Title of qualification awarded Bachelor Diploma - Philosophy
Principal subjects / occupational skills covered General:
- History of Philosophy;
- Logics;
- Ethics
- English-Romanian and Romanian-English Translations practical skills developed
Name and type of organisation providing education and training "Babeş Bolyai" University- Faculty of History and Philosophy (University)
Cluj - Napoca (Romania)

Personal skills and competences

Mother tongue(s) Romanian

Other language(s)
Self-assessment Understanding Speaking W r i t i n g
European level (*) Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
English C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user 
French B2 Independent user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user B2 Independent user C1 Proficient user 
German A2 Basic User A2 Basic User A2 Basic User A2 Basic User A2 Basic User 
(*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level 

Social skills and competences - High developed communication skills by professional experience as a teacher (1999-2009)
- Good ability to adapt to a diversity of working places;
- Team spirit;
- Very good ability to learn and aply new things and gain new skills;
- Good mediation skills by working with children as a teacher;
- Ambitious and eager to work hard and make myself known

Organisational skills and competences * Leadership and organizatory skills gain by successfull years of experience in:
- Literary Circle "Ion Apostol Popescu" at Gherla as a chairman and founding member (
- Member of Plastical Artists Association in Gherla Town 
- lider and organizer of Workshops regarding Personal Development (9.12.2010 -
* Merits by the Mayor of Gherla Town Hall
* Collaborations in Literary Criticism("Amurg Sentimental" Magasine - Bucureşti)
- Initiator of the "File Şcolare" Magasine - Livada

Technical skills and competences - I graduated the Radio-Tv Debugging Course at the Millitary Circle - Cluj-Napoca - 2010

Computer skills and competences - Good command of Microsoft Office™ tools (Word™, Excel™ and PowerPoint™); 
- Advanced knowledge of graphic design applications (Blender™, PhotoShop™)
- Medium knowledge of HTML, Macromedia Flash 8
- Good knowledge of Internet

Artistic skills and competences - I participated with paintings at exhibitions of art in 2003-2007 (paintings and mixt graphic) 
- Publications in anthology of "Ion Apostol Popescu" Literary Circle - Gherla (2003-2011) and "Octavian Goga" Literary Circle - Cluj-Napoca (2005-2006)
- Publications of literary criticism in several literary magasines

Other skills and competences Hobys: chess, painting, roumanien and universal literature
I graduated the course "PRACTICAL TEACHING IN PRIMARY SCHOOL" -2008 - by Miss Cynthia Yoder through U.S. Ambassy - communication skills (course in English language)

Biografie Tatar Augustin

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