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First Name tatyana
Last Name muse in love
Born 1975-04-05
Country United States
I was born in the capital of Ukraine Kiev. Ukraine was still a Soviet Union republic. Both of my parents were engineers. We were just a regular family sharing the household with my grandparents.
I was a very active and impatient child, but my parents discovered the way to keep me busy and quiet. They would give me pencils, paper, paints, chalks and clay and challenge me to draw or sculpt a perfect horsy or a birdy and I seemed to stay busy for hours trying to get it right. I don’t know what gave me patience, but I seemed to lose myself in shapes and colors and stories. I was so happy and proud when I would show the finished drawings to my parents and grandparents and they would act surprised that I could create something like this and tell me how beautiful it was.
When I was five my drawing was selected to be published in the “Pre-School Education” magazine and my parents considered putting me through a specialized school. But it does not always go as planned, everything changed when we had to move to a different part of town, because my ant died and we adopted my cousin into our family. We went to the same school except I was a first grader and she was in seventh grade.
In school I faced a lot of rules that were stagnant to the creative mind, fake, fed by the corrupt system there was not much room for self expression within the standard norm. I started to question things only to find out how much of the slaves we were. So I got involved in ice skating and focused on being an A student, since my parents told me it was the only way to beat the system, be free to travel and know the things other than what the usual propaganda was feeding us. I still did a lot of artistic projects for the school, but as much as my family and friends would like my work nobody encouraged me to become an artist. My great uncle Nikolay Boychenko, who is a painter, quite known in the art circles in Kiev have always inspired me, but through him I also observed that even very talented and known people had a very difficult time making a living in expressive arts especially that the economic situation in Ukraine was getting more difficult. The system would not tolerate raw creative expressions so most of them were underground and not supported financially unless portraying politically convenient ideas. I resisting to fit the mold though by getting very creative with my clothes as a form of art. I was an A student so my expressions were somewhat tolerated and but more often discouraged. Facing the corruption of the system and the economic situation in Ukraine I could only be an artist as a hobby.
When I was sixteen I suffered an illness which was related to the accident at the nuclear plant in Chernobyl. Motivated by the threat of loosing their daughter my parents started looking for a chance for me to leave the country and escape the radioactive contamination. Family friends in the United States presented an opportunity for me to come and study in America and my parents paid their life savings for the ticket to the U.S. My life has changed forever. As the years went by I was overwhelmed by the possibilities that became available to me, I tried so many things, I learned, I struggled, I questioned life and my motives, I went back to the Ukraine and studied with the leading artists in Kiev, I compared different cultures, I tried to understand, to survive, to heal, to spread my wings, to adjust, to deal with completely different systems, I have met amazing people and I know I can not deny that art is my form of communication to the world. I am grateful for the opportunity that God and this country allowed me to have. I really want to express the jewels that I have found on my life's path, that helped me to overcome the obstacles, expand my visions, open my heart, bring me true happiness through art, so others could be inspired to find what is extraordinary in their lives. My intention that the art I created would become a tool for someone to get closer to their dream and live an amazing life.
Love, Tatyana
I was born in the capital of Ukraine Kiev. Ukraine was still a Soviet Union republic. Both of my parents were engineers. We were just a regular family shar...
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