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First Name tom
Last Name smith
Born 1959-12-16
Country United States

     Inspired by his families navy lifestyle, Tom Smith grew up with a love and respect for nature and especially sea life, along with a natural ability to express what he saw through his drawings and paintings.  Tom's father, Ray Smith taught his three sons to swim, dive, and work as lifeguards. Tom's father and oldest brother, Stan Smith teaches sea survival to this day.

     Tom had an artistic ability from an early age, but only in the last fifteen years has he taken his passion for painting and made it part of his everyday life. Tom Smith's paintings have a realism quality and sometimes venture to the abstract.

     Tom challenges his abilities and strives to better himself as an artist with each completed work of art. Unafraid of using the boldest colors in his work, his eye looks for the contrasting of colors as he is challenged with a slight colorblindness which creates difficulty in seeing subtle shade differences.

     Hence, Tom's work is bold with color, using his imagination for a fantastic sunset that may never be seen in quite the same way by any other. Tom's fusion of color and unique subject matter combine to make him a true, natural talent.

     Having had no formal training as an artist, Tom has learned his craft through his passion and his years of painting experience.  Tom is inspired to continue creating his art simply by the enjoyment it brings to art lovers from all over and the happiness it brings to those closest to him, his family.

     Tom Smith shows his paintings in his local hometown of Pensacola, florida, participating in local festivals and is currently a member of the Blue morning Gallery @ Tom Smith is available for commissioned work and can be reached at


     Inspired by his families navy lifestyle, Tom Smith grew up with a love and respect for nature and especially sea life, along with a natural ability to e...

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by smith
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