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First Name Voy
Last Name Madeyski
Wojciech (Voy) Madeyski - Biography

Wojciech (Voy) Madeyski, native of Poland, is an Architect by profession and an Artist by passion. He pursues his interests in both architecture and art with great vigor and energy. He believes they cannot exist without each other; they are one sublime form of aesthetic experience shaping up our surroundings.

Voy has been active in the Chicago architectural arena since 1966. When he came to Chicago from Paris, - where he participated in many group and one man exhibits, he secured himself a job with the prominent architectural firm of C.F. Murphy and Associates and the following spring he staged a show of oil paintings in the First Federal’s Gallery devoted to the landscapes of Utah and Arizona. These rocky formations of the “Wild West” have made a deep impression on Voy’s imagination. He found them to be the ultimate examples of perfect architecture.

In 1972 Jacques Baruch Gallery organized a retrospective of Voy’s work with a display devoted to his visions of futuristic architecture, suggestions for the city of Chicago, a diary of Chicago history including such events as the great snow of 1967, McCormick Place fire and the construction of Hancock Building and First National Bank.

Voy pursued his career as an Architect with Murphy/Jahn, Perkins & Will International and in his own practice since 1987. He designed many buildings in the US and abroad. To mention a few: Doyle/Cumberland Rapid Transit Station, Bernard Mitchell Hospital at the University of Chicago, Henry Reuss Federal Plaza in Milwaukee, 200 North LaSalle Office Building and a complete redesign of the Amoco Building Plaza (AON) in Chicago.

The artwork displayed at Artropolis – The Artist Project – is devoted to a variety of abstract cityscapes rendered in enamel on canvas. Some cityscapes are merely interpretations of the existing views of the cities – mostly Chicago. Some are visions of imaginary cities populated with colorful soft or rigid structures of buildings whose forms are born out of nature related associations. Some are depicting fascinating structures of gothic cathedrals.

Most of my artwork is rendered with enamel or other industrial paints applied to canvas either wet allowing different colors to mix creating unusual textures or in successive layers. In both cases the outcome is a result of controlled manipulation of paint applied with plastic dispensers. The paintings are created spontaneously; - the act of painting for me is an escape from reality

into the wonderful world of unknown. It is an engaging, exuberant and enthusiastic activity and exploration of mysterious and metaphorical possibilities. Everything is possible.

Artist Statement

“ … I try to express my fascination with the landscapes of the modern city and their impact on natural environment…”

My inspiration comes primarily from two sources. First from nature – that includes forests and mountains with their canyons and peaks such as we can find in Western America – Utah, Arizona, Rockies or Patagonia, Alps and Tatras. That is architecture on a giant scale.

The other source is man made mountains – our cities with their street canyons and buildings.

Both natural and man-made environments define visual parameters of our surroundings and shape up our perceptions and emotional reactions. We learn from the nature. We still have a long way to go to catch up with nature’s performance. We appreciate natural environment as a place to escape from crowded artificial environments we create – still we do little to preserve it or to save it. Thru my artwork I would like to call our attention to some of the issues we are faced with today such as global warming and associated disasters of earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, tsunamis or other causes inflicted by us such as over development, deforestation, mindless exploitation of existing resources or possibility of a nuclear holocaust.

Some of my artwork may resemble skeletal landscapes of cities after such disasters. That maybe coincidental – my intent is to explore and reveal attributes of the natural or built environment rather than focus on destructive aspects. An exception is landscapes of Slovakia’s Tatras after the hurricane, which in 2004 devastated thousands of magnificent pristine forests stripping mountains of its green coat. Even in such landscapes one can find some interest if not cruel beauty in dramatic juxtapositions of piles of debris of fallen trees.

Some of my artwork addresses the issue of human intervention into the natural environment. Canyon type paintings superimpose man made mega structures within natural rock formations. Contrasting forms and vivid colors depict drama of such interventions.

If you compare some of the visually elaborate structures of trees or plants in general with say intricate and filigree structures of industrial plants of chemical and oil refineries – like the industrial landscapes of Gary Indiana, giant bridges, vertical labyrinths and network of tubes and pipes – similarities are strikingly picturesque. At night those landscapes offer unique spectacles of light and lumiere. Or explore canyons of Chicago alleys with their climbing steel structures of fire escapes.

Most buildings are rigid, most have a concealed structure including internal guts of mechanical services. Their form is dictated by available technology, which in most cases consists of a steel structure covered with a variety of rigid geometries of grids of curtain walls. In my artwork – I am tying to reveal the intestines of the buildings to the outside in a maze of soft forms, textures and lines. There is a lot of softness in nature, which is difficult to replicate in the built environment. I would like to create soft buildings within soft cities. Wouldn’t that be exciting? Should there be a new technology (new soft materials structurally sound) developed allowing for construction of softer forms the entire visual landscape of our cities could be altered. The change would be dramatic.
Wojciech (Voy) Madeyski - Biography

Wojciech (Voy) Madeyski, native of Poland, is an Architect by profession and an Artist by passion. He...
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Chicago City Skyline
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Chicago Street
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Chicago River
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by Madeyski
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