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First Name Lioubov Ivanovna
Last Name Kachalina
Born 1934-07-27
Country Russia
We proudly present you a new name in our Gallery-worldwide and its Russian part - Lioubov Ivanovna Kachalina. Her art is a good example of Soviet Social Art (Social Realism) that is very popular in our days.

We first met this year in Noginsk town not far away from Moscow. I used to know a lot of Noginsk artists but in my opinion Kachalina is one of the most interesting person as an artist and as a man. She is kind, sincere, even touching. She asked me if it was really possible to find someone interested in her artworks through Internet. I promised to do my best. Lioubov Ivanovna is very strong in portraits. Her gallery of Soviet people (1950-1965) brings you back to the time when our nation was working and living for an Idea. There was something we beleived in hoping that it was possible to make all the people happy, to stop agressive wars and all kind of the violence in the world. People lived with communist idea wich in fact was not so bad as we used to understand being forced by PR and other propaganda.

Lioubov Ivanovna showed me her photoalbum. Nice, beautiful girl with strong-willed character. She was a child of her epoch. She was inspired by industrial and agricultural progress of which the heroes were miners, drivers, teachers, locksmiths, turners. There is a certain feeling of nostalgy in her works.

I want to notice that Kachalina was a member of the USSR Painters Union. In the past it was very difficult to become a member of this organization because there was a very strict commission and it was very hard to achieve this title.

I'm really glad that from now on Lioubov Ivanovna will be a permanent member of our Gallery Worldwide and with some time you'll have a chanse to see her artworks in Russian Art Gallery in Moscow that we have in plan to orginize very soon.

Thank you.
Social Realism is a form of naturalistic realism focusing specifically on social problems ...
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A style of painting which depicts subject matter (form, color, space) as it appears in actuality or ordinary visual experience without distortion or stylization. In a general sense, refers to objective representation. More specifically, a nineteenth century movement, especially in France, that rejected idealized academic styles in favor of everyday subjects. Daumier, Millet, and Courbet were realists.
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Pond. Biryulevo
by Kachalina
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Magic Realism is deeply rooted in everyday reality, but has overtones of fantasy or wonder...
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