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First Name Eduardo
Last Name Oliveira
Country Portugal

Hello, my name is Eduardo Oliveira, am a painter and I am living in Lisbon - Portugal.
I have a degree in Graphic Design, but my passion is painting. I am currently attending a course in Painting at the Fine Arts Society in Lisbon.

As for my painting I have preferences for the use of technical oil pastel and acrylic, and the media that I use most are: canvas, paper and board.
My painting is characterized by the representation of the volumes and its lighting effects and chromatic, with the most marked characteristic of my work is to use strong colors and intense.
Also like to work on objects of everyday life and "give them another life."
In the future I intend to develop the project is to introduce the community to artistic activity, I advocate a direct interaction between artist and audience, Workshops are open to the public, call for trial, the contact with the materials, direct contact with the creative process, and thus to Beyond the establishment of closer relations with the community, all the artwork will benefit valued and understood by more people.

My references to the level of painting are:
Paula Rego, Van Gogh, Vermeer, Milet, Michelangelo, Toulouse Lautrec, Echer, Pollock.

Eduardo Oliveira

A 20th century style of painting in which nonrepresentational lines, colors, shapes, and forms replace accurate visual depiction of objects, landscape, and figures. The subjects often stylized, blurred, repeated or broken down into basic forms so that it becomes unrecognizable. Intangible subjects such as thoughts, emotions, and time are often expressed in abstract art form.
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