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First Name Neal
Last Name Risdal
Born 1951-03-29
Country United States


1951-, born in Saugerties, the Catskills area of New York. He began painting under the tutelage of Stephan Lokos in the artist colony of Woodstock in 1961. Whereas Lokos' paintings are unique in his depiction of the bright light of Mexico, Risdal's paintings are inspired by the mystical half-light that illuminates the Catskills and Scandinavia, where his family vacationed.
Although landscapes are often his subjects, his work instills the sensations of a setting, whatever the subject, with a view to maintaining the overriding purpose of his art, which is to communicate a spirit of peace and the recollection of the feeling of happiness, regardless of the subject. Through the use of techniques defined over years of work he has perfected the conveyance of that fragile moment of stability between times of intense change. Many of the mediums available to artists are used on the canvases for his works; oil, pastels and acrylics.

1951-, born in Saugerties, the Catskills area of New York. He began painting under the tutelage of Stephan Lokos in the artist colony of Woodstock in 1961. Whereas Lokos' paintings are unique in his depiction of the bright light of Mexico, Risdal's paintings are inspired by the mystical half-light that illuminates the Catskills and Scandinavia, where his family vacationed.
Although landscapes are often his subjects, his work instills the sensations of a setting, whatever the subject, with a view to maintaining the overriding purpose of his art, which is to communicate a spirit of peace and the recollection of the feeling of happiness, regardless of the subject. Through the use of techniques defined over years of work he has perfected the conveyance of that fragile moment of stability between times of intense change. Many of the mediums available to artists are used on the canvases for his works; oil, pastels and acrylics.

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Canvas used for oil painting that is typically made of linen or cotton, stretched very tightly and tacked onto a wooden frame. Linen is considered far superior to the heavy cotton for a canvas.
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