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First Name Pierre
Last Name Latour
Born 1935-05-16
Country France (Metropolitan)

Pierre Latour is the Nam De Plume of artist Luiz Carlos Coelho who was born May 16, 1935 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Latour Sr., also an artist, taught young Pierre how to paint in the traditional academic style. Latour'’s training as a child by his father, however fundamental, was secondary to the influence of his Belgian maternal grandfather. In Latour's own words, "“The greatest influences of my life and for my art were shared in Bruges with my grandfather".

Pierre Latour had achieved a reasonable amount of fame in Europe when he discovered that he could best interpret Belgium with a palette knife. This was the beginning of his fame in America, as this became his trademark style.

 Latour is best known for the beautiful colors of the palette depicting the city of Bruges, the flower markets, and the picnic scenes reminiscent of summers spent with his grandfather.

Pierre Latour passed away Febuary 2nd, 2006 from complications resulting from hip replacement surgery.  He will be remembered through his beautiful impressionistic paintings.

Contact Griffith Art Gallery at 205-985-7969 or email to view the available paintings by Latour.

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