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First Name Jim
Last Name Wiegand
Born 1953-10-25
Country United States
Biography: Jim Wiegand

A native Californian, Jim grew up and was educated in the Bay area. He graduated in 1976 from U.C. Berkley with a degree in Wildlife Biology. Jim developed an early interest in falconry which led to a study in birds of prey and their relationships to their environment. In 1977 Jim began to develop his artistic skills and moved to Fall River Mills which had the setting for his wildlife interests. There he had access to a much wider range of wildlife from which to study. Over the last 25 years most of his research for new work has been done on deer, waterfowl and birds of prey. All of his artwork has been inspired by personal experience. An accomplished photographer, his patience and determination usually enabled him to take photographs, necessary for capturing his work. Usually taking weeks to recreate these settings, he attempts to create an emotional connection between the selected piece and future audience. From his photographs, personal observations and study of skin(s) or fur(s), he can create his own picture. A self-taught artist, with a very unique style, his drawings try to depict the illusion that what is seen is actually happening. To do this usually requires millions of lines woven together for each picture, integrated after the photographic process.
Due to this extreme difficulty, Jim is only able to create 2-3 selected works per year. Jim's work has/is featured in thousands of private and corporate collections throughout the world. His limited edition prints are still available for purchase through Art Gallery-Worldwide as an exclusive opportunity, restricted by quantity.
An implement for drawing, consisting of a thin rod of graphite, colored wax, chalk, charco...
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Compressed burned wood used for drawing.
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Majestic Buck
by Wiegand
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Pigments mixed with gum and water, and pressed into a dried stick form for use as crayons....
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