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First Name Todd
Last Name Cohen
Born 1971-01-06
Country United States
It is my greatest joy to be able to share these images with you. They are a labor of love, devised through many layers and types of processess, Through years of development, and moments of blind breakthroughs, the images you see before you are photographs of an object I have created. One of my most cherished creations, this object, this sculpture, is a study in form, that expanded into a study of color, that along the way, merged for me, the meaning of light and shadow. Without the shadow, everything is undefined. All North, all South, all up, all down... If everything is yes, where is the meaning? In the shadow we find... something. Not just trying to be purely metaphysical here, with these images I have been reminded of how important the shadow is in giving true representation to form... Nothing represents that truth, like the truth of form. Photography, a logical step for me as a sculptor. The hours spent on a sculpture, the design time, the execution, the mess... One time, and it's outta there. Next!! Where will it end with that? Become the recognized sculptor that gets the $100,000 comissions, that can be done in a month! I wish. Until then I needed a solution to the low reproduction factor of sculptures. Also, people have more wall space then floor space. So, for me to ramp up my sales, I realized it was time to get off the floor, and on the walls. Photography was the easy choice for me. I had some pictures in my portfolio of this particular sculpture that people were constantly asking me if I had prints to sell. At the time, my thoughts were only on sculpture. I figured there were enough 2D artists in the world. Besides, I'm a much better sculptor than painter, or at least I have more passion for it. Anyway, so, I took some high quality shots of the sculpture, hooked up with a local printer and started printing and framing my new art... It was one of the best decisions of my life. 250 framed prints sold in the first six months, in one gallery! Now, I'm not too much into the business of knowing what other artist are selling, but for me, a slow production, only by hand, one a month sculptor (at much less than $100,000), this is a revolution. I have since taken over the printing myself, as well as 95 percent of the framing. I have 30 images that I consider my best shots. These are culled from over a thousand photos taken over a couple weeks, as I sat with the sculpture as it shifted through it's near infinite color combinations. The sculpture is white, but the brilliant multicolored lights being reflected off it's surface, bring it to life in ways unexpected, and to me, wonderous.
Hope you agree!! Fell free to contact me for sales or information.
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1900-1949 van Gogh, Monet
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A 20th century style of painting in which nonrepresentational lines, colors, shapes, and forms replace accurate visual depiction of objects, landscape, and figures. The subjects often stylized, blurred, repeated or broken down into basic forms so that it becomes unrecognizable. Intangible subjects such as thoughts, emotions, and time are often expressed in abstract art form.
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by Cohen
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