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First Name Scott Andrew
Last Name Spencer
Born 1970-07-27
Country United States
Scott Andrew Spencer (American painter, 1970-)

Living in Los Angeles, California, Spencer loves to listen to music and paint daily. He takes inspiration from his immediate surroundings, real or imagined, and paints into the wee hours of the night. Spencer began painting full time after a brush with cancer in 1999. He is represented by renowned gallerist and art dealer Biljana Grcic-Beran through Galeria Jan in La Jolla, California, and was admitted into the Pasadena Society of Artists in 2004.

Artist Statements: Life is a game. Play along.

In the Grand Scheme of it all, we may very well be experiencing different realities.

These are definitely wacky times. We live in an age of orange newscasters and Burger King memorabilia.

I stepped off the deep end a long time ago and have been dog paddling for dear life ever since.

Nobody taught me to run from my problems. I had to learn that one on my own.

I give myself over to That Which Governs. I know Someone or Something is watching after me, keeping vigil.

Every day I thank my lucky stars and the Powers That Be for the presence of art collectors in this world. "Thank you," to everyone who owns and all future owners of these paintings. You are magical, wonderful people. If you're ever in Los Angeles, please look me up. I'll buy you some lunch.

Every canvas has an agenda--a life of its own separate from its maker, separate from thought or logic or reason--and to plot its course is only to interfere. To plan is to destroy. Trust the mess. All marks are good.

Oh, but the mutiny of scrutiny . . . if we could only leave it alone.

The self-taught artist has a great chance to be unique. Without knowledge of "rules" to hinder the hand or an instructor's style to imitate, what results is pure, entirely his own.

Contrary to popular belief, abstract art is "meaningful" on a parallel with representational art. Each of us sees differently, and individual responses to an abstract work of art are varied. An abstract work's "meaning" is oftentimes stronger and more personal for the viewer than it is in purely representational art where the subject matter is obvious and can only evoke a limited range of emotions.

Nowhere else in this existence have I found the freedom and exhilaration that oil painting affords.

Albert Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." Welcome words to a daydreamer like me.

"There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion." Francis Bacon

Being gay is a gift, a variation on a theme. Love is too powerful to be shaped or confined.

At the moment, I'm loving the paintings of Cecily Brown, Dana Schutz, Raimonds Staprans and Paul Balmer. My all-time favorites are Max Beckmann, Milton Avery, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Joan Mitchell, Egon Schiele, Richard Diebenkorn, Helen Frankenthaler and Lucien Freud.
A 20th century style of painting in which nonrepresentational lines, colors, shapes, and f...
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Dancing with the Moon
by Spencer
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Animal Crackers
by Spencer
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Calamari Standing
by Spencer
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Lady Lautrec
by Spencer
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Art in which recognizable figures or objects are portrayed.
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Artwork that purports to represent what is seen; also called objective art.
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An art movement of the early 20th century in which traditional adherence to realism and pr...
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An art movement founded in France in the last third of the 19th century. Impressionist art...
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The main features of postmodern style are nostalgia and retro, recycling earlier genres an...
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Movement in painting, originating in New York City in the 1940s. It emphasized spontaneous...
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There is no single well defined style of PostImpressionism, but in general it is less casu...
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An art style developed in Europe in the 1920's, characterized by using the subconscious as...
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From the French word fauve , meaning "wild beast ." A style adopted by artists associated ...
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1900-1949 van Gogh, Monet
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An art style developed in the late 19th century characterized by the incorporation of symb...
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