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First Name Neil
Last Name Wyatt
Born 1964-11-01
Country United States
Artist Profile
Neil Colston Wyatt.

Originally from Wales, UK. I earned my BA. in Fine Art at the “Cardiff Institute of Art and Design” where I established my craft in painting and 3 dimensional art, in clay & pot work.

My paintings are developed with a keen interest in design. I incorporate the use of strong color, line and shapes into my painting, using nature, familiar places and man made substances as my subject matter.

Many of the paintings are created with the idea that movement, or different forms of motion can be fused with the tangible and as a consequence, these images are broken down to evolve into contemporary abstracts. Other pieces formulate a more representative style.

"It is however the process of painting that has been the primary goal in my work. Watching and experimenting with the use of technique, is what has holds the fascination for me, and how all these elements interact with each other and evolve towards a final piece of work."

In 1999 I attained a bachelor’s degree in counseling and found that the process of healing held parallel similarities to painting. As a result I incorporated this into my art. I began a new career as a freelance art therapist working with abused children.

Currently I am working in Massachusetts for a non profit agency where I manage a day program for individuals who have developmental disabilities. It is here that I have created "Independent Art initiatives" and collectively work together to create combined collages and mixed medium art pieces, as a way to create business opportunities within the community.

I have won several national and State awards for my work.
The "Association of Developmental Disabilities Provider Award" 2007 & the 2007 "American Network of Community Options and Resources Award," for Direct Professional Innovation.

"I still believe that the "process" of creativity is the most rewarding and believe that art is not only for everyone, but can be achieved by anyone.

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