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Price, USD  657.00
Status  For sale, check
Size, cm  117.0 x 72.0 cm /switch
Style   Abstract
Theme   All Theme
Media   Mixed Painting

TITLE: SOUL OF A CHILD (Small nocturnal serenade by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Minuetto Allegreto. Metre: 3/4, key: G major. Fragment: from metre 1 to 8 inclusive).

TECHNIQUE: Mixed technique on wood.

SIGNED: 10 / 11 / 2006

DIMENSIONS: Wood 117x72 cm. 1 cm. thick.

COMMENTARY: Mozart, my dear Mozart, your music is clean like the soul of a child; your music is a conjunction of sounds which flow by themselves, without effort, without malice, intelligently distributed, but with the simplicity of a genius. Your melodies and harmonies are so well interwoven, that they merge towards a white light, clear, bright and clean.
A pleasant music and a light which illuminate our hearts.


This great genius of music called Mozart was born two hundred and fifty years ago. This year we celebrate his anniversary and I have wanted to dedicate to him this painting trying to describe his music and his person. The music of Mozart is clean like a child’s soul, his sounds flow by themselves, without effort, without malice, intelligently placed out, but with the simplicity of a genius; his melodies and harmonies merge into a white light, clear and brilliant.
I have represented the first eight metres of the Minuetto Allegreto of the Small nocturnal serenade, in 3/4 metre in the key of G major.
I paint a background (a sky) in dark blue, an intense colour with shades of blue throughout the whole painting. On this background I place all the notes (figures) in relief, in the lowest register (from C 2 to B 2) the biggest figures, in the low and middle register (from C 3 to B 3) divided by the previous two, and in the middle, high and very high register (C 4 to C 6) I repeat the same operation.
I begin by painting the high notes of the centre in yellow and go to the left with a succession of orange colours (very high, high, middle register), reds and carmines (middle, low register), and magenta (very low register) which becomes a clear, luminous pink colour in the lowest notes. Returning to the high notes of the centre and on going right, I paint a succession of greens, beginning from yellow, green-yellow (very high, high, middle register), and emerald green (middle and low register) which becomes a turquoise blue (lowest register), clear and luminous in the lowest notes. To sum up, following the chromatic circle of colour.
The notes are connected with a straight line in relief which goes in direction to the centre of the painting, where I represent the metres of the fragment (eight metres) with eight circles (each circle is a metre) in a tanned orangey sienna colour which fades towards the inside until it becomes the white colour of the central axis. Each line has the colour of its note.
These lines represent all the sounds of the fragment which merge in the centre (imaginatively the lines and their notes are going to stop in their corresponding metre. Notes and lines of the first metre in the first circle, notes and lines of the second metre in the second circle etc. given that if musically all the metres sounded at the same time it would be a disaster) towards a white light, clear, clean and brilliant as is the person and music of Mozart, as I have previously explained.
In the left part of the painting I have drawn the face of Mozart. A lineal drawing submerged in the painting, which seems to come out of the background of this night sky.
In this relationship I use the contrast through complementary colours. The yellows, green-yellows, oranges, reds, carmines, magentas and pinks contrast with the background; the oranges, reds, carmines, magentas and pinks contrast at once with the green-yellows, emerald greens and turquoise blue respectively, and the centre of the painting in orangey tanned sienna contrasts with the background (intense blue), and with the yellow-greens, emerald greens and turquoise blues. Pure colours, brilliant, luminous, childish colours which represent a pure and clear soul.
A 20th century style of painting in which nonrepresentational lines, colors, shapes, and forms replace accurate visual depiction of objects, landscape, and figures. The subjects often stylized, blurred, repeated or broken down into basic forms so that it becomes unrecognizable. Intangible subjects such as thoughts, emotions, and time are often expressed in abstract art form.
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