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Name  Tzar Ivan the Terrilbe and Ermak
Price, USD  14000.00
Status  For sale, check
Seller  Russian Art Gallery
Size, cm  100.0 x 75.0 cm /switch
Artist  Igor Mashkov
Edition  Original
Style   Realism
Theme   History
Media   Oil on canvas
Collection   Golden names of Russia
Ina the terrible - Russian in full IVAN VASILYEVICH, byname IVAN THE TERRIBLE, Russian IVAN GROZNY (b. Aug. 25, 1530, Kolomenskoye, near Moscow [Russia]--d. March 18, 1584, Moscow), grand prince of Moscow (1533-84) and the first to be proclaimed tsar of Russia (from 1547). His reign saw the completion of the construction of a centrally administered Russian state and the creation of an empire that included non-Slav states. Ivan engaged in prolonged and largely unsuccessful wars against Sweden and Poland, and, in seeking to impose military discipline and a centralized administration, he instituted a reign of terror against the hereditary nobility.

Early life.

Ivan was the son of Grand Prince Vasily III of Moscow and his second wife, Yelena Glinskaya. He was to become the penultimate representative of the Rurik dynasty. On Dec. 4, 1533, immediately after his father's death, the three-year-old Ivan was proclaimed grand prince of Moscow. His mother ruled in Ivan's name until her death (allegedly by poison) in 1538. The deaths of both of Ivan's parents served to reanimate the struggles of various factions of nobles for control of the person of the young prince and for power. The years 1538-47 were thus a period of murderous strife among the clans of the warrior caste commonly termed "boyars." Their continual struggles for the reins of government to the detriment of the realm made a profound impression on Ivan and imbued him with a lifelong dislike of the boyars.

On Jan. 16, 1547, Ivan was crowned "tsar and grand prince of all Russia." The title tsar was derived from the Latin title "caesar" and was translated by Ivan's contemporaries as "emperor." In February 1547 Ivan married Anastasiya Romanovna, a great-aunt of the future first tsar of the Romanov dynasty.

Since 1542 Ivan had been greatly influenced by the views of the metropolitan of Moscow, Makari, who encouraged the young tsar in his desire to establish a Christian state based on the principles of justice. Ivan's government soon embarked on a wide program of reforms and of the reorganization of both central and local administration. Church councils summoned in 1547 and 1549 strengthened and systematized the church's affairs, affirming its Orthodoxy and canonizing a large number of Russian saints. In 1549 the first zemski sobor was summoned to meet in an advisory capacity--this was a national assembly composed of boyars, clergy, and some elected representatives of the new service gentry. In 1550 a new, more detailed legal code was drawn up that replaced one dating from 1497. Russia's central administration was also reorganized into departments, each responsible for a specific function of the state. The conditions of military service were improved, the
armed forces were reorganized, and the system of command altered so that commanders were appointed on merit rather than simply by virtue of their noble birth. The government also introduced extensive self-government, with district administrators elected by the local gentry.

One object of the reforms was to limit the powers of the hereditary aristocracy of princes and boyars (who held their estates on a hereditary basis) and promote the interests of the service gentry, who held their landed estates solely as compensation for service to the government and who were thus dependent on the tsar. Ivan apparently aimed at forming a class of landed gentry that would owe everything to the sovereign. All the reforms took place under the aegis of the so-called " Chosen Council," an informal advisory body in which the leading figures were the tsar's favourites Aleksey Adashev and the priest Silvestr. The council's influence waned and then disappeared in the early 1560s, however, after the death of Ivan's first wife and of Makari, by which time Ivan's views and his entourage had changed. Ivan's first wife, Anastasiya, died in 1560, and only two male heirs by her, Ivan (b. 1554) and Fyodor (b. 1557), survived the rigors of medieval childhood.

Russia was at war for the greater part of Ivan's reign. Muscovite rulers had long feared incursions by the Tatars, and in 1547-48 and 1549-50 unsuccessful campaigns were undertaken against the hostile khanate of Kazan, on the Volga River. In 1552, after lengthy preparations, the tsar set out for Kazan, and the Russian army then succeeded in taking the town by assault. In 1556 the khanate of Astrakhan, located at the mouth of the Volga, was annexed without a fight. From that moment onward, the Volga became a Russian river, and the trade route to the Caspian Sea was rendered safe.

Later years.

Withdrawal and flight are themes that run through the later years of Ivan's reign. He expressed an interest in establishing diplomatic and trade relations with England, even suggesting his readiness to marry an English noblewoman. In 1575 he seems to have abdicated for about a year in favour of a Tatar prince, Simeon Bekbulatovich. During the 1570s he married five wives in succession in only nine years. Finally, in a fit of rage, he murdered his only viable heir, Ivan, in 1581. This murder set the clock ticking for the political crisis, known as the Time of Troubles, that began with the extinction of the Rurik dynasty upon the infirm Fyodor's death in 1598.


Ivan's achievements were many. In foreign policy all his actions were directed toward forcing Russia into Europe--a line that Peter I the Great was to continue. Internally, Ivan's reign of terror eventually resulted in the weakening of all levels of the aristocracy, including the service gentry he had sponsored. The prolonged and unsuccessful Livonian War overextended the state's resources and helped bring Russia to the verge of economic collapse. These factors, together with Tatar incursions, resulted in the depopulation of a number of Russian provinces by the time of Ivan's death in 1584. Nevertheless, he left his
realm far more centralized both administratively and culturally than it had been previously.

Ivan also encouraged Russia's cultural development, especially through printing. He himself wrote well, and, though his surviving writings are mainly of a political nature, his command of words and his biting sarcasm are very evident. Ivan was a devout adherent of the Orthodox church. His arguments on religious questions are striking in their power and conviction, but he placed the most emphasis on defending the divine right of the ruler to unlimited power under God--a view with which most other monarchs of the time would have been in agreement.
The collection of works made by hands of the best Russian artists.
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