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Name  Moscow Kremlin
Price, USD  700.00
Status  For sale, check
Seller  Russian Art Gallery
Size, cm  55.0 x 43.0 cm /switch
Artist  Alexander Kulemin
Year made  1992-01-01
Edition  Original
Style   Traditional
Theme   Architecture
Media   Drawing
Collection   Moscow/Moskva
In the very heart of Moscow a wonderful ancient walled town is situated - the Moscow Kremlin. The majestic architectural ensemble standing at the confluence of the Moscow and Neglinaya Rivers on Borovitsky Hill has become a recognizable symbol of the history of Russia, its ancient culture and art. It has few rivals in the world according to the number of architectural masterpieces and fabulous collections of antiquities concentrated within its walls.
In Old Russia the Kremlin was the central fortified part of medieval city. The Kremlin usually contained the prince's palace, a cathedral, and courts of the boyars and the church nobility. Moscow Kremlin is the most famous and the most well-preserved one.
The scientists think that the first Slavic settlement on the Borovitsky Hill appeared at the end of the 11th century. The wooden fortress stood on the road to the ancient town of Vladimir and protected it from the invaders. For the first time Moscow was mentioned in ancient chronicles in 1147. In that year prince Yury Dolgoruky invited prince Svyatoslav in the small town of Moscow.
In 1156 on the Borovitsky Hill the new fortress encircled within 8-meters high earth mound and massive wooden walls was constructed. Thiat as it seemed, unassailable fortification, protecting the town and the people of neighboring villages, existed up to 1238 when the horde of Batu Khan looted and set fire to Moscow.
The 13 -14th century was an extremely difficult period for the town. Moscow suffered from internal war and foreign invasions, as well as from uncountable fires that burnt to aches the wooden buildings of Moscow. Nevertheless, each time the Muscovites rebuilt the town. Gradually Moscow expanded and became a prosperous city and a capital of mighty Moscow principality.
Under the reign of Ivan Kalita the Kremlin grew considerably. Ivan Kalita ordered to build a new fortress, enclose it with thick oak walls and build new palaces, churches and cathedrals. The Kremlin was transformed into a major architectural ensemble whose majestic center was Cathedral Square with its Assumption Cathedral, Church of Climacus and Archangel Cathedral. Moscow developed into a political and a spiritual center of Russian State, and the Kremlin became the residence of Grand Dukes and Moscow Metropolitans.
Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy, who was afraid of another invasion of the Golden Horde, ordered to demolish old wooden walls and replace them by massive stonewalls. Thus Moscow obtained the title of white-stone and became the first stone town of Moscow Principality.
The 15th century saw the unification of the Russian feudal principalities under the authority of the Grand Duke Ivan III of Moscow and the end of the two centuries of Mongol oppression. In the Kremlin the intensive construction work was started. Grand Duke invited Italian architects to Moscow and they erected splendid stone churches and cathedrals, majestic palaces and chambers within the Kremlin walls.
In the 15 - 16th centuries the Kremlin was the most impressive fortification structure in Europe. Its towers, cathedrals and palaces amazed the contemporaries not only with the harmonious architecture but also with rich decoration and splendid interiors.
In 1712 Peter the Great moved Russian capital from Moscow to Saint Petersburg, that had a great influence on the life of the Kremlin, the former royal residence. One can't say that the Kremlin was totally neglected, but the construction work practically stopped and the Kremlin walls and towers, palaces and chambers deprived of former attention slowly decayed.
The Kremlin suffered greatly during the invasion of Napoleon. In 1812 many cathedrals were looted, wonderful ancient buildings were blown up. But just in a few-years time the majority of Kremlin edifices were totally reconstructed.
The first part of the 19th century is a time of pseudo Russian style revival. Based on the design of architect Konstantin Tonn, several new buildings, among them are the Great Kremlin Palace and the new Armory, were constructed in the center of Moscow.
The Revolution of the first part of the 20th century was a crucial moment in the history of the ancient city. In 1918 Moscow was announced the capital of Soviet State and the Kremlin became the residence of the first Workers' and Peasants' Government. V.Lenin commissioned the restoration work of historical, architectural and cultural monuments of Kremlin, that had suffered during the revolution or run into decay because of time. But along with it, in the 30s many religious structures, that from the ideological point of view were considered "useless" in the Soviet capital, were destroyed.
In 1937 the double-headed eagles were taken from all Kremlin Towers, instead of them famous five-point stars with hammer and sickle appeared. The stars were made from stainless steel and ruby-red glass and featured unique lighting technology, due to which the Kremlin stars shine day and night.
Nowadays the Kremlin stays the governmental residence and one of the largest cultural reserves of Russia.
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