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Price, USD  9250.00
Status  For sale, available
Size, cm  115.0 x 120.0 cm /switch
Artist  PHILHELM Philhelm
Edition  Original
Acrylic on canvas 120 x 115 cm – 47,2 x 45,2 inches.
BABYLONIAN / Translate by Google/ In continuation of Mesopotamian mythology, this is free love of anthropomorphic gods, free because there were still nothing, not even men. The first god was worshiped the bull or his alter ego, well before the lion will not appear until a few centuries (or millennia) later? But that is another story. The story is obviously false, since we are contemporary interpretations of old myths of more than 6000 years. If they still persist, thanks to the hundreds of thousands of clay tablets (more than half a million), found under the sands of Mesopotamia and who tell their story in cuneiform. On a more anecdotal history is also on the shelf we found the famous cuneiform signs expressing amagi word (or amarga), that is to say "freedom" which would be the oldest representation writing of this concept in the history of mankind. The American Assyriologist Samuel Noah Kramer (1897-1990) explains the context in this very interesting paragraph in one of his books: The Sumerians: Their History, Culture and Character (University of Chicago Press, 1963, p. 79):
“As can be gathered from what has already been said about social and economic organization, written law played a large role in the Sumerian city. Beginning about 2700 B.C., we find actual deeds of sales, including sales of fields, houses, and slaves. From about 2350 B.C., during the reign of Urukagina of Lagash, we have one of the most precious and revealing documents in the history of man and his perennial and unrelenting struggle for freedom from tyranny and oppression. This document records a sweeping reform of a whole series of prevalent abuses, most of which could be traced to a ubiquitous and obnoxious bureaucracy consisting of the ruler and his palace coterie; at the same time it provides a grim and ominous picture of man's cruelty toward man on all levels-social, economic, political, and psychological. Reading between its lines, we also get a glimpse of a bitter struggle for power between the temple and the palace – the "church" and the "state" – with the citizens of Lagash taking the side of the temple. Finally, it is in this document that we find the word "freedom" used for the first time in man's recorded history; the word is amargi, which, as has recently been pointed out by Adam Falkenstein, means literally "return to the mother." However, we still do not know why this figure of speech came to be used for freedom."
About the word LIBERTY in archaic cuneiform writing: As a reminder of the oldest written representation of this concept in the history of mankind, we find this cuneiform inscription on the inside cover of all books published by Liberty Fund ". Liberty Fund Inc. is a private, educational foundation established and headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. It is dedicated to the study of the ideal of a society of free and responsible individuals. Ideas about free markets, limited government and individual freedom are the focal points for discussions and conversations that promotes the "Freedom Fund" in his lectures, publishing efforts, and activities of the site. It attracts readers and conference attendees who are interested in exploring more classical liberal traditions that have evolved over the last few centuries. FREEDOM, I have also inserted at the beginning of my painting for the title!
What do we see or do we want to see on this picture? Two couples in foreplay anthropomorphic love? A gay couple and a second heterosexual? Nothing special to report, except that the monogram Philhelm seems to have been forgotten or thrown away, facing a fierce love invitation. Obviously, it was all gold, we know that it will fall miserably on the ground, through the fault of too thaumaturgists ithyphallic for our present civilization? If you know some of my paintings from the series "Babylonian," you know that the inspiration for this scene comes from an archaic Syro Hittite seal. You know, because you start to recognize the type and style of the characters. For cons, I must admit that they were deliberately distorted in their position and gestures. But this too, you begin to know now that you get used to these old scenes from 4000 to 6000 years? It is highly probable if not certain, that the original pattern was more consistent with what is called a "master of animals", a recurring theme of Mesopotamian cylinder seals of that period called archaic.

In actual fact, I want to tell you without misrepresentation, the whole story of Philhelm, which begins in Alsace (It was still a Germanic country and will become French only in...

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