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First Name Mikhail Korneevich
Last Name Anikeev
Born 1925-03-14
Country Russia
A man, our contemporary, our young generation are always in the center of my attention. I always want to understand the world of a young man. I try to find the answer to many problems: the way he lives and what he lives for, what he really carries about. But at the same time I want to show him all the beauty of our World, I want to tell him that we are born and we come to this planet in order to create and to multiply the Beautiful on the Earth.

I do really love our complicated life and my contemporaries, and I make a start from life experiences in every artwork I create. I try to express my feelings in a vivid artistic form.

Hymn to nature, to the beauty of our planet, to the beauty of people's relations these are my creative credo that I try to follow working for you all.

Thank you.

Mikhail Korneevich Anikeev

Honoured Artist of the Russian Federation.
Honoured member of the Russian Academy of Arts.
Member of the Artists' Union of the former USSR.
Honoured member of the Artists' Union of Russia.

But all these titles and names are not the most important thing. Mikhail Korneevich is a kind, intellegent man, person of ready sympathy with the heart devoted to his Country and its People.
This year Mikhail Anikeev kindly agreed to become an Honoured member of our Gallery-Worldwide and its Russian part.
Russian Gallery-Worldwide
Canvas used for oil painting that is typically made of linen or cotton, stretched very tightly and tacked onto a wooden frame. Linen is considered far superior to the heavy cotton for a canvas.
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