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Price, USD  Contact Seller / Artist
Status  For sale, check
Seller  Russian Art Gallery
Size, cm  110.0 x 45.0 cm /switch
Year made  1999-01-01
Edition  Original
Style   Realism
Theme   History
Media   Oil on canvas
Collection   History of Russia
Golden names of Russia 3
The village Trigorskoje, the former manor of the Pushkin's nearest neighbours and friends Osipovy-Vulf, is included into the structure of Pushkin reserve. This village is located approximately in 3 kms to the west from Mikhailovskoje, on one of the 3 hills, gave their name to the manor. The way to the manor lied near the lake Malenets, surrounded by the wood. Osipovs occupied the large wooden house on the coast of a pond. Their house was burned down in 1918 and in 1962 was restored. Now there is the museum, the internal furniture of rooms was restored. During his arrivals in Mikhailovskoje, Pushkin always visited his friends in Trigorskoje, here there was a large library, which especially attracted an attention of the poet. Now it is reconstructed again. The life of the landowner and the serves of Trigorskoje was reflected by Pushkin in the novel "Evgeny Onegin". The Trigorsky park is the remarkable sample of the garden-park art of the second half of the 18th century. Its territory is more than of the Michailovsky park. And it was planned taking into account the features of a relief. In the park a lot of picturesque places connected with Pushkin's staying in Trigorskoje were saved. At the edge of an abrupt breakage to the river Sorot there is a white garden bench. This place of park has the name "a bench of Onegin". From here a magnificent view to picturesque valleys of Sorot opens, the road in Mikhailovskoje is well visible. In the park there is a round platform, surrounded by oaks - "a sundial", by a shadow from a pole driven at the centre of the platform it is possible to determine the time in solar days. On a slope of a hill at the river Sorot a little bath-house is restored, now there is the small museum. From "the sundial" a path leads to the legendary "lonely oak", standing on a hill, which age is more than 300 years. In the park there are the beautiful ponds, on coast of which the willows grow, and on a mirror surface of the water the white lilies float.
Along the way to the village of Trigorskoje. "Three pines
In 4 km to the north-east from the manor Mikhailovskoje on the coast of the lake Kuchane the village Petrovskoje is located. Here P. A. Gannibal constructed the house and founded the park. This is the oldest park in the reserve differed from the parks of Mikhailovskoje and Trigorskoje by a stricter plan. Here the trees of the age more than 200 years are saved. The lindens avenue going from the house to the lake is especially beautiful. Nowadays the Gannibal's house is restored, there is an exposition of the museum telling about the ancestors of A. S. Pushkin.

In the territory of Pushkin reserve there is the traces of the town Voronich. It was located on the left coast of the river Sorot, near the Trigorskoje. It is an earthen bulk hill, where there were the walls and towers. It was a strong fortress and the centre of large, for those time, town. Voronich was founded in the beginning of the 14th century and was mentioned in the Russian chronicles for the first time in 1349. Nowadays there are the bases of two churches and stone crosses of the 15-16th centuries. Here there is an ancient cemetery of Osipovy-Vulfs
It might seem an easy task at first - to give a comprehensive definition to Dmitry Beliukin's creativity, since we have come across a brightly shaped personality.
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